

Footsteps of Lawson’s challenges.
Current challenges we are facing.
Introducing our four challenges
from various fields.

CHALLENGE Next Generation

Next generation’s Convenience Store Concept

Just buying lunches and magazines. Those days are over for convenience stores.
Lawson will shape the next generation’s convince store model.

We thrive to become the “Town’s Hot Station”

We help everyone’s communities become happier” is our corporate philosophy. We provide services to achieve our philosophy by being the “convenient and accessible stores” in the neighborhoods. Utility payments, installing ATM machines, issuing official certificates, medical support such as “medical check-up to your doorstep“ and “neighborhood health consulting". We thrive to become the “Town’s Hot Station” by solving customers’ problems and concerns.

Becoming more complete convenience store by incorporating latest technologies.
Becoming the neighborhood convince store that enriches everyone’s life.
Now, let’s create a new standard for future of convenience stores with us!

Social problems such as labor shortages affected by declining birthrate, lack of communication due to the increasing nuclear families and environmental issues, convince store has evolved to be irreplaceable for communities. We aim to provide “healthy, delicious and fresh made products”, “genuine hospitality” and “regional community” by utilizing latest technologies such as IoT and AI and with our stores located throughout the nation. We certainly can contribute and play a bigger role to fight social issues with our services. By proactively introducing new technologies, we can accurately grasp the needs of customers and provide better customer service. By labor-saving and improving efficiency, we aim to create a place of joy, excitement and warm interaction between people. You are the ones to create such environment and shape the convenience store of the future.

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Next Generation

Rice Ball

3 million in just two weeks from release, 56 million sold in a year.
New rice ball products released one after another as Akuma (Devil’s) series.

悪魔のおにぎり 悪魔のおにぎり
超(スーパー)からあげクン 悪魔のおにぎり味 悪魔のコーヒーⅡ 悪魔のお湯(白)
Numerous Akuma series are released in various products.

”Another bite, another bite”, it’s like a devil whispering in your ears. This highly addicting “Akuma No Onigiri” was launched in 2018. Product development deeply considered the preference of Japanese people’s taste buds by using dashi fragrance, umami from tempura dipping sauce, tempura crumbs’ richness and well balanced amount of two types of seaweeds. Despite the simple recipe, the deliciousness and unique name started a buzz among customers. The exceeding total sales of 56 million lead to overpower our sales of Sea Chicken Mayonnaise, or Tuna Mayo rice ball which has been our proven top selling product for the last two decades. Devil’s Series is expanding flavors while linked products such as “Devil’s Coffee”, “Karaage-Kun (Friend Chicken) Devil’s Rice Ball Flavor” have been also released to the market and developing a huge fan base.


Convenience Store Sweets

One Million cakes sold in just three days after product release.
Our product has sparked a Basque Cheesecake trend and is breaking records daily.

Basque Style cheesecake

There is no other “exceptional” convenience store sweets as “BASCHEE” (Nickname of Basque Cheesecake) Neither rare or baked, it is a new texture. As of January 2020, amassed total product sales of 40 million. This historic sales record was an accumulation of “exceptions” from the product’s development stage.
Initially, the product development team members not only studied domestic Basque cheesecakes, they flew to France and Spain to experience the original flavors. The Product Development Team experimented the ratios of main ingredients, cream cheese, milk and heavy cream countless times. The factory employees were irritated by the amount of effort put into development the product, but lead to the invention of new texture. From using the color yellow for the wrapping which never have been done, to printing a catchy nickname “BASCHEE” on the packaging, marketing strategies were extremely detailed and particular. Followed by the product development, product was released for a test sales in three different prefectures. Most stores sold out then additional two test sales were executed and finally was decided to launch nationwide. Since the Product Development Team was convinced that the product was going to be a big hit, two manufacturers were hired to avoid product shortage which is very rare in the sweets department. Even with sharing an identical recipe, outsourcing to multiple companies is a challenge to maintain product quality. However, single company production was agreed to be a risk and we had no choice but to take extreme measures. As a result, a million sales was recorded in just three days. This broke the record sales of previous face of Lawson’s sweets, “Premium Roll Cake” by a mile. Series of “exceptions” for the Product Development Team lead to the invention of “BasChee”. The trend was not a temporary, rather became the new face of Lawson’s desserts.


Healthy Lifestyle Branding

Health awareness and medical needs are increasing year by year. As a strategy, focusing on future customer needs, we will provide services and products that exceed customer expectations.

The 「delicious low-sugar」 Bran Bread series
The 「delicious low-sugar」 Bran Bread series developed with the desire to "enjoy without sacrificing deliciousness."

The 「delicious low-sugar」 Bran Bread series developed with the desire to "enjoy without sacrificing deliciousness."
Convenience store foods are considered negatively due to high calories and poor nutrition. Lawson is confronting such concerns and launching numerous innovative products to support customers' well-being.
For example, 「Bran Bread」 contains 2.2 grams of sugar and 70 calories. In the beginning, sales were limited and most convenience store sales strategic plans would have ceased production. However, on the initial day of sales, the product was receiving compliments from customers who were forced to give up bread form their diet due to life style illness such as diabetes. To meet the expectations, we developed Bran Bread by using ingredients with natural sweetness, experimenting different textures and flavors for full satisfaction and making over 100 samples in the process. As a result, product sold over 460 million, with sales and promotion in the picture, the product was decided to continue to be in the store line up.


In addition, “Green Smoothie”, a blockbuster product since its launch in 2015. Considering distinct preference with green vegetables among customers, we focused on particular recipe and incorporating hand craft in the process to provide a delicious product. In fact, these vegetables used for smoothies and Oden are produced by Lawson invested “Lawson Farms”. Not only we produce food and beverage products for our customers’ well-being, we initiated a new project “Lawson Care” which provides nursing care consulting and salons since 2015.
